Free App Note : Over-the-Top Video Assurance

  • A complete introduction to and overview of OTT ABR video
  • An in-depth review of common ABR video variants
  • The advantages of ABR video for OTT video delivery
  • Services assurance strategies and solutions for OTT video

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Get Your OTT Video Delivery Strategy Right

The popularity of over-the-top (OTT) video delivery is growing dramatically in line with increased consumer demand for high-quality video that is available anytime, anywhere and on any device. However, when it comes to maintaining expected service-quality standards and subscriber quality of experience (QoE), the segment is still experiencing major challenges due to the fact that OTT uses different protocols and delivery techniques than traditional Internet protocol (IP) streaming video.

This application note outlines several of the challenges and issues facing service providers who are deploying OTT video delivery based on ABR video encoding, as well as the benefits resulting from implementing an end-to-end video-delivery monitoring tool and service assurance strategy.

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